Posted by satvongsa On Wednesday, November 8, 2017 0 comments
The lovely temple of Mebon, a pyramid of receding terraces on which are placed many detached edifices, the most effective being the five towers which crown the top Could any conception be lovelier, a vast expanse of sky-tinted water as wetting for a perfectly ordered temple.
The East Mebon is 500metre (1,640feet) north of Pre Rup. A enter and leave the temple from the east entrance. It was inherent the second half of the tenth century (952) by king Rajendravarman II, bend Siva (Hindu), an ancestor temple in memory of the parents of the king with following the Pre Rup style art.
East Mebon
The Mebon rest a small island in the middle of the Eastern Baray, which was a large body of water (2 by 7 kilometres, 1.2by4.3miles) fed all Siem Reap River. The temple hit only by boat. Today the baray, once a source of water for irrigation, is a plain of rice fields and the visitor is hand down imagine the original majesty about temple in the middle of a large lake.
The East Mebon is a temple with five towers arranged like the numbers on a die atop a base with three tiers. The whole is mid three enclosures. The towers represent the five peaks of the mythical Mount Meru.
The outer enclosing wall is identified by a terraced landing built of laterite with two seated lions on each of the four sides. The interior about wall is marked by a footpath. The neat enclosing wall is intercepted in the middle of each of its four sides by an entry tower in the shape. Of a cross The towers are constructed of laterite and sandstone and have three doors with porches. An inscription was found to the right of the east tower. A series of galleries surrounds the interior about enclosing wall. The walls are of laterite and have porches, sandstone pillars and rectangular windows with short balusters. The galleries were originally covered with wood and tiles but today only vestiges remain. They probably make halls of meditation.
The stairways of the tiered base are flanked by lions. Beautiful monolithic elephants stand majestically at the corners of the first and second tiers. They are depicted naturalistically with fine detail for example harnessing. Tip: The elephant in outstanding condition, and the most complete, is in the southwest corner.
The lintels on the west entry tower depict Visnu in his avataras of man-lion tearing the king of the demons with his claws (east). At the northeast corner Laksmi sort two elephants with raised trunks sprinkling lustral water on her.

The large inner courtyard contains eight small brick towers on each side opening to the East. Each one has octagonal columns and finely worked lintels with figures amongst leaf decorations. On the East Side of the courtyard there are three rectangular laterite buildings without windows opening to the west. The two on the left of the entrance are decorated with either scenes of the stories of the nine planets or the seven ascetics. Vestiges of bricks above the cornices suggest they were vaulted. There are two more buildings (without windows) of similar form at the northwest and southwest comers of the courtyard.
The terrace with the five towers was inserted a sandstone wall moulding and decorated bases. Lions guard the four stairways to the top platform.
The five towers on the upper terrace were built of brick and usable the east; they have three false doors made of sandstone. Male contemplate the comers are finely modeled. Circular holes pierced in the brick for the attachment of stucco are visible. The false doors of the towers have fine decoration with an overall background pattern of interlacing small try a plant motif.
(East side): Indra on his mount, a three-headed elephant, with small horsemen on a branch; scrolls with mythical beasts spewing figures under a small frieze of worshippers; (west side): Skanda, God of War rides his peacock; (south side): Siva rides his sacred bull Nandi.
East side: Ganesa is curiously riding his trunk which is transformed into a mount.
North side: The head of a monster is eating an elephant.